Perguntam-me não raras vezes:
- "Qual o livro de José Saramago que mais gostaste de ler?"
A resposta que pode ser dada a cada momento:
- "Impossível de dizer... não sei responder, não seria justo para com outros (livros) não nomeados. Mas uma coisa sempre soube. Uma obra de Saramago, enquanto "pseudo ser vivo" ou com "gente dentro" tem que me raptar, prender-me, não me deixar sair de dentro das suas páginas. Fazer de mim um refém, e só me libertar no final da leitura... mesmo ao chegar à última página. Aí, o "Eu" leitor que se mantém refém, liberta-se da "gente que a obra transporta dentro" e segue o seu caminho.
Mas segue um caminho que se faz caminhando, conjuntamente com mais uma família"

Rui Santos

domingo, 29 de janeiro de 2017

Left Coast Chamber Ensemble presents "Death With Interruptions" - an opera in one act [2014-15]

«No dia seguinte ninguém morreu».Assim começa este novo romance de José Saramago.Colocada a hipótese, o autor desenvolve-a em todas as suas consequências, e o leitor é conduzido com mão de mestre numa ampla divagação sobre a vida, a morte, o amor, e o sentido, ou a falta dele, da nossa existência.
Sinopse de apresentação da obra "As Intermitências da Morte" (2005)

O vídeo da ópera pode ser visualizado via YouTube aqui

Link de apresentação do evento, aqui

Left Coast Chamber Ensemble presents "Death With Interruptions" 
an opera in one act [2014-15]

"In a small Iberian country death decided to stop working.
At first everyone was overjoyed but soon all concerned –
the Church, the state, the undertakers, the insurance companies – realized that the situation was dire.
The Maphia offered temporary relief but could not really replace death. death decides to start working again but under new and more regular conditions those who will die will get a timely notice.
She informs the ministry of her intentions."

Recommendations for listening are either using earbuds or a high quality sound system; The limited sound production capabilities provided by laptop speakers will not optimally serve your listening experience.

Leading Blank: Introitus Interruptio

Chorus: The situation was grave
death’s Letter
Chorus: We, here...
Dear sir,
I’ve got a letter for you...
Chorus: Don’t get upset
Like an innocent fool

Interlude I: Dance Mixed
Chorus: Even God has no idea
You look very pretty
I am going to give you one last chance
Chorus: death knows her man
Recitative: I have a big favor to ask...
Trio: death heard her cellist play

Interlude II: Vocalise
Chorus: death heard her cellist play
I only came to thank you
Recitative: I didn’t mean what you were thinking
You must fail sometimes...
I have a recollection
Pantomime: death turns away
Recitative: The wretched cellist
Please go away...
The letter
Trailing Blank: Exeunt

Based on José Saramago’s novel "Death With Interruptions," translated by Margaret Jull Costa
Libretto by Thomas Laqueur/Music by Kurt Rohde
Matilda Hofman, Conductor/Directed by Majel Connery
Nikki Einfeld, soprano/Joe Dan Harper, tenor/Daniel Cilli, baritone

Left Coast Chamber Ensemble:
Leighton Fong, solo cello/Eric Zivian, piano/Loren Mach, percussion
Anna Presler, and Jory Fankuchen, violins/Phyllis Kamrin, viola/Tanya Tomkins, cello
Phil Acimovic, electronics

Volti San Francisco:
Robert Geary, Artistic Director/Sue Bohlin, Chorus Master
Soprano - Yuhi Aizawa Combatti, Shauna Fallihee, Cecilia Lam, and Diana Pray
Alto - Monica Frame, Sharmila Guha Lash, Emily Ryan, and Colby Smith
Tenor - Julian Kusnadi, Ryan Matos, Jacob Thompson, and Jeffrey Wang
Bass - Jeff Bennett, Peter Dennis Mautner, Jefferson Packer, and Philip Saunders

Lighting Design: Anthony Powers
Costume Design: Jennifer Gonsalves
Sound: Ryan Olson
Video: Loren Robertson

Support provided by:
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Distinguished Achievement Award, granted to Professor Thomas Laqueur
University of California, Davis, Chancellor’s Award, granted to Kurt Rohde
San Francisco Hotel Tax Fund Grants for the Arts

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